Archaeological discoveries live on through publication of results. Apart from shorter preliminary reports that are published in learned journals or specific aspects of the finds, published in congress or scientifc meeting reports, we have also created a series of our own, called AEGIS-Aegean Interdisciplinary Studies. Published by the Presses Universitaires de Louvain, the following AEGIS-volumes have appeared and can be ordered via Other volumes are in press or in preparation. Aegis volumes are set in InDesign by Nicolas Kress.

J. Driessen, I. Schoep, F. Carpentier, I. Crevecoeur, M. Devolder, F. Driessen-Gaignerot, P. Hacigüzeller, V. Isaakidou, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson and A. Schmitt, Excavations at Sissi. II. Preliminary Report on the 2009-2010 Excavations (Aegis 4), Louvain-la-Neuve, 2011, 230p.
J. Driessen, I. Schoep, F. Carpentier, I. Crevecoeur, M. Devolder, F. Driessen-Gaignerot, H. Fiasse, P. Hacigüzeller, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson and A. Schmitt, Excavations at Sissi. Preliminary Report on the 2007-2008 Excavations (Aegis 1), Louvain-la-Neuve, 2009, 200p.