Further up the hill, Zone 2, excavations in 2007 (directed by C. Langohr (UCL-FNRS), assisted by P. Zintzen (UCL), B. Decraene (UCL), O. Botman (ULg) and two workmen) and 2008 (directed by F. Carpentier (KUL), assisted by B. Decraene (UCL), S. Henne (UCL) and two workmen) focused on at least three large, rectangular megalithic structures of which one was briefly examined by K. Davaras who suggested an advanced Late Minoan date. In the northwest area of this middle terrace, several oval depressions are visible, perhaps cisterns or WW II gunposts. Excavations in 2007 started with the clearance of the area in between the building in the southeast and the building in the middle. Part of the latter was excavated and contained interesting material. Therefore, it was the focus of further research in 2008.
It resulted in the excavation of a large, square 80 m room which had smaller annexes (storage spaces, a work space and a basement) attached to it, accessible through a threshold while inside the room, there were remains of internal partitioning walls and possible terracotta floor tiles. Waste had been deposited in the 1.25 m deep basement (space 2.1) which had been dug out to the bedrock. This fill contained many stones, animal and marine dietary remains, a fragmentary figurine and much pottery, including an almost complete terracotta lamp, many conical cups and bell cups, some showing spirals or other Neopalatial designs.
Resting on the floor was a large, open recipient, probably part of an installation. In between this basement and the adjacent space 2.2, a double-throughed and doweled « gourna » was found, integrated into the wall and a work platform, forming another installation. Apart from accessing the basement, space 2.2 also featured stairs and gave access to two small storage spaces (2.3 & 2.4), each with a single-throughed gourna integrated into the wall. A lot of terracotta and stone loomweights were retrieved from these spaces as well as a pulled rim bowl, a bronze pin, a miniature cup, small obsidian blades and some conical cups. A small foundation deposit was discovered in the wall corner of this space. A threshold accessed the large room (2.5) where more loomweights, a large, stone weight, a bead and a pierced schist disc were among the finds. Nearby, a collection of bronze tools was found, possibly forming a tool kit. The loomweights, « gourna »-installations, bronze tool kit and other materials suggest this building may have been used as a tailor’s or textile workshop. Research in 2009 will concentrate on the building of similar proportions and architecture to the north of this building, to see whether more artisanal activity took place in this zone.