Thérèse Claeys holds a master in Archaeology and Art History from the UCL and an advanced master in Conservation of Monuments and Sites from the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (KULeuven).
She is currently a FRESH (F.R.S – FNRS) Research Fellow at UCL under the supervision of Prof. J. Driessen and of Dr. E.-E. Toumbakari (Greek Ministry of Culture) and member of Aegis as well as of the ARC “A World in Crisis?”. Her research interests focus on Minoan and community archaeology, on the one hand, and on the preservation, presentation and management of archaeological sites, on the other hand. She has been involved in several archaeological projects in Belgium (Tournai), Cyprus (Pyla-Kokkinokremos) and Crete (Sissi, Malia-Magasins Dessenne).
At Sissi this year, she will be co-supervising the excavation in zone 10 together with Ophélie Mouthuy.