Sylviane Déderix is currently a Humboldt postdoctoral fellow in the Institute for Classical Archaeology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. She studied archaeology as well as Oriental languages and literature, before completing a PhD under the supervision of Prof. J. Driessen and Dr. A. Sarris (IMS-FORTH). Her research interests include Aegean and more specifically Minoan archaeology, archaeological GIS, landscape studies and the archaeology of death. She has participated in excavations in Belgium, Crete and Cyprus, and in geophysical prospections in Greece, Cyprus and Italy (with Dr. A. Sarris’ team). Since 2018, she is also field director for the Prehistoric component of the Thorikos Archaeological Project (dir. Prof. R. Docter). At Sissi she worked in the cemetery under the supervision of I. Schoep (2008-2011), before directing the excavation in Zone 11 (since 2015) and in Zone 9 (with A. Schmitt, since 2017). In 2018, she will supervise a team working in Zone 11.