Quentin Letesson studied archaeology at the UCL with a dissertation on space syntax applied to Minoan architecture, which was also the topic of his DEA and PhD (From Phenotype to Genotype: Space Syntax Analysis in Minoan Architecture (MM IIIB-LM IB), which he finished in 2007 as an aspirant of the FNRS. He participated in archaeological fieldwork in Belgium and Greece, at Palaikastro, Sissi and Myrtos Pyrgos.
Member of AEGIS, Quentin was BAEF-fellow at Bryn Mawr from October 2008 to June 2009, and Research Fellow at the Agean Material Culture Lab at the University of Toronto from December 2010 to June 2011. Chargé de recherches FRS-FNRS at the UCL between 2009 and 2013, Quentin is now Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellow between the University of Toronto and UCL. With Florence Gaignerot-Driessen, Quentin directed the work on the summit of the hill and uncovered a large LM III communal building (Building CD). He is now in charge of additional tests on the summit and of a future zone, immediately east of zones 3/4/5.
For additional information: www.quentinletesson.com