Llorenç Picornell Gelabert (University of the Balearic Islands) is postdoctoral research fellow of the ArqueoUIB Research Team. He is specialist in anthracology/charcoal analysis and ethnoarchaeology. His Master thesis (University of Barcelona 2008) focused on forest resources management among the fang of Equatorial Guinea from an ethnobotanical and ethnoarchaeological perspective, and his PhD addressed these topics in prehistoric Balearic Islands through charcoal analysis (University of Barcelona 2012).
As charcoal specialist he has worked in different prehistoric and protohistoric sites in the Mediterranean (Balearic Islands, Catalan coast, Sicily, Greece, and Crete). He also conducts ethnoarchaeological studies in Africa (Equatorial Guinea, Ghana). He is currently focusing in the application of new research tools (dendro-anthracology, quantitative anatomy) to archaeological charcoal assemblages.