Laura Matilde Magno is currently a PhD student at UCLouvain with a project on Intra-Site management strategies in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean (1300-1150 BC). A geoarchaeological analysis of anthrosols. She graduated in archaeology at La Sapienza, University of Rome, with a MA thesis on Micromorphology and FTIR applied to the study of Southern Italy Gray layers in the Bronze Age settlement of Broglio di Trebisacce. Her research interests include geoarchaeology, microarchaeology, Aegean and Southern Italy Bronze age archaeology.
She has participated in archaeological excavations in Italy (Roman Forum and Broglio di Trebisacce), Greece (Pylos-Palace of Nestor) and Cyprus (Pyla Kokkinokremos). She is one of the field crew leaders in Kos for the Serraglio, Eleona and Langada Aracheological Project.