Jan Driessen, the director of the project, is professor of Greek archaeology at the UCL where he was head of the Department of Archaeology and Art History till 2009 and vice-head of the research institute INCAL till 2015.
He is also director of the Belgian School at Athens. He did his PhD at the KULeuven and was member of the French School at Athens and the British School at Athens. With the first he excavated Quartier Nu at Malia (with Alexandre Farnoux), with the second he excavated at Palaikastro (with Hugh Sackett, J.A. MacGillivray and Carl Knappett). Jan also excavated at Knossos, Myrtos Pyrgos, Iuktas-Alonaki, Monastiraki and on Pyla and Maroni on Cyprus. His research focuses especially on Neopalatial Crete.
At the UCL he directs the research group « Aegean Interdisciplinary Studies » (AEGIS) and the ARC ‘A World in Crisis?’, focusing on the 13th c. BC. At Sissi, he runs around.