Iro Mathioudaki is a pottery specialist. She has finished her PhD concerning pottery from the Mainland Greece (Mainland Polychrome ware) at the University of Athens. She has studied and (co-) published pottery assemblages from several places of Mainland Greece, Crete and the Cyclades of the Middle and early Late Bronze Age (1800 – 1500 BC), e.g. Knossos, Juktas, Akrotiri, Kirrha, Karystos, Peloponnese and Attica. She has also worked for several years as an archaeologist at the Greek Ministry of Culture (European Regional Operational Programs). She is currently a postdoctoral researcher of the F.R.S.-FNRS at the Université catholique de Louvain, Aegean Interdisciplinary Studies (AEGIS). The research project has as its basis the study of a significant body of Neopalatial ceramic material from the site of Sissi.