Evgenia Tsafou studied History and Archaeology (BA) as well as Prehistoric Archaeology (MA) at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has participated in various archaeological projects in Northern Greece (Toumba Thessaloniki, Paliambela, Anthemus Valley survey etc.), in Crete (Knossos-Gypsades, Sissi) and in Cyprus (Pyla-Kokkinogremos).
She is currently conducting her PhD research, entitled “The socioeconomic aspects of pottery. Function and Use of Utilitarian Pottery in Minoan Crete: an interdisciplinary approach”, as a member of Aegis Group, at the UCLouvain, under the supervision of Dr Charlotte Langohr.
At Sissi she is managing the main storeroom of the project and coordinates the inventory and the post-excavation processing of findings. In addition, she is a member of the pottery study team with special interest in organic residue analysis on ceramic vessels.